Perfect Black-White Every Time. A 5000×3000 pixel large layered .PSD file will convert your images to a perfect BW, every time. No actions to run, just paste your photos, and the effect is instant. There is also a bonus – “Subtle” effect that tones down your images without removing all the color. You can also enable “Sharpen” layer, as well as two halftone overlays – a Black and a White one – or both at once.
To use – Double click on the red marked layer (on the bottom of layer palette) to open Image Holder window. Paste your photo, resize, save and close it. It will update the main image.y
Tip: If you want to get a BW effect with even more contrast, just enable “Subtle” effect together with “BW” effect. It’s also made to enhance the darken / middle tones when combined.